International shipping remains the primary method of transit for commodities across the world. With more than 90% of all commodities imported and exported transiting via seaports, maritime legislation and regulations affect virtually every company, either directly or indirectly. Global trade expansion, increasing fuel costs, ongoing environmental policy, industrial overcapacity, the possibility of autonomous vessels, and cyber threats have all coalesced to alter the trajectory of this sector.
The capacity to be robust and adaptable is critical when it comes to legal solutions in the shipping and marine sectors, where unforeseen events may create intricate complexities and ownership of a vessel or its cargo might change hands while the ship is in transit between ports. In such a dynamic and shifting legal landscape, 3S Chambers’ admiralty and maritime law practice is diverse, with a focus on litigation as well as advice and consulting and has experience handling several cargo disputes involving a variety of different commodities, including bulk oil, grain, raw sugar and containerized products. Our firm has experience and resources to deal with subject matters including – maritime commercial disputes, such as charter party disputes, time charter and voyage, cargo damage claims, marine insurance coverage disputes and also admiralty and maritime litigation, such as vessel arrests and attachments; and admiralty and maritime litigation, such as vessel arrears maritime casualties.
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